How Attaching Emotion to Your Goals Will Ensure You Achieve Them

It’s about emotion, not practicality.

Adrian Drew
6 min readMay 13, 2023
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

We all have goals and aspirations.

Some are small, micro-goals like getting up twenty minutes earlier or walking to work more often. Some are larger, like packing on thirty pounds of muscle or starting our own business.

Whatever form our goals take, and however badly we might want them, we all seem to fall into the same perpetual trap. We give up before we make it to where we plan to be.

Even when we know that this goal or that goal will improve our lives exponentially, making us happier and more successful individuals, we fall from the wagon early and revert back to square one. Alas, we never progress — but the progression is essential.

As Tony Robbins put it,

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

None of us wants to settle for an average life discoloured by our inability to commit to making our deepest wishes a reality. It follows, therefore, that we should strive to reach those precious goals of ours. Most of us just don’t know how.

Attaching Emotional Weight to Our Goals



Adrian Drew

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__