Why Self-Improvement Isn’t Working For You

The missing ingredient of positive change

Adrian Drew
5 min readMar 12, 2019

I love self-help. I know it’s fashionable to criticize personal development gurus nowadays and all, but it’s helped me in countless ways and has the potential to help you too.

Not only that, but in great contrast to the psychological theories of the past which have suggested that our personality is fixed and unchangeable, more and more research is showing that we can improve. It is possible. No longer are we believed to be a product of our genes or our upbringing, but the sculptors of our destiny. Our brains are literally plastic — malleable balls of dough that we can shape and color however we wish.

Personal development has enormous potential, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to work. You read all of the books, take the courses, practice the habits, but sometimes, you just can’t seem to make any lasting changes. You fall back into the same old ways and routines.

You may find yourself right back at square one from time-to-time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that self-help isn’t working—it might just mean that you’re doing it wrong.

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Adrian Drew
Adrian Drew

Written by Adrian Drew

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__

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